FLOWERS ETC IN RINGWOOD 7 DAYS from $29.99 Free LOCAL delivery - Eastern Suburbs florist

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Valentines Day 2014
Friday 14th February
Please order your flowers before the 14th to ensure
Orders must be in by 3pm Thursday 13th February
Or visit our store for premade flowers and gifts on the day

Please no specific timed delivery available on valentines day
AM or PM only
That being said
Please tell us if a delivery is going to a school or business and needs to
be there by a certain time eg by 3pm

Lastly please double check all delivery address
We require a contact phone number for the recipient & you, the sender
An SMS is sent upon delivery so you know exactly when your delivery arrives at the destination

İFlowers Etc 2011 All Floral Gallery Images are created and designed by Flowers Etc |

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